Thursday, September 17, 2009

1st Sem Break

1st sem ended on 14th Sept 2009,which was the last day of 1st sem final exam.I will only go back to Bintulu this coming Sunday.Will come back to KL again on 4th Oct. I thank God for taking good care of me every now and then. Thank God for giving me the strength and will to be independent too.Last Monday was the first time I cried in KL since I came here to further my tertiary studies. It was because of my BMS test. The questions were all easy. But I spent too much time on drawing graphs(because the graph papers didn't have obvious lines between 10 columns like the usual ones.I got so headace counting the columns one by one.) I was unable to finish answering the questions in the end. 16% just gone like that. I was so depressed as they were really easy questions. When I walked out of the exam room, I kept myself silent because I had no mood to say a word. When 2 of my classmates walked towards me and asked how was my exam, I speaked out and cried suddenly. I couldn't control myself anymore. I think I have no chance to get A for that subject since 16% gone already.Sweat.... Anyway...take it as a lesson then.

Another thing is that my friendship with a classmate seems to explain?We're like strangers now. But I think it was because of my negative self-opinions on him. We had not talked to each other for 2 weeks++ I think.He phoned me tonight when I was watching movie. I answered the phone call but didn't talk much. I do hope that this kind of opinions dissapeared.

Well...Was quite boring this few days. Just spent my time watching movie,eating,sleeping,cleaning the house and bla bla bla. == Hope that I will have a memorable and enjoyable sem break in Bintulu for 2 weeks.

These are some photos taken during exam week:

went to Jusco with Huey Ling and Mei Ping even during exam week ><

ya it's McD

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The pasts which I treasure alot!

The pasts which I treasure alot!
I miss this choir group...