Monday, April 06, 2009

Preferences of The 2 Sides of The BRAIN

Took a few quiz to find out whether im more to left brained or right brained this noon....The results of those quiz showed that im moderate or 60%right brained.....

Preferences of the Two Sides of the Brain
Description of the Left-Hemisphere
Constantly monitors our sequential, ongoing behavior.
Responsible for awareness of time, sequence, details, and order.
Responsible for auditory receptive and verbal expressive strengths.
Specializes in words, logic, analytical thinking, reading, and writing.
Responsible for boundaries and knowing right from wrong.
Knows and respects rules and deadlines.

Description of the Right-Hemisphere
Alerts us to novelty; tells us when someone is lying or making a joke.
Specializes in understanding the whole picture.
Specializes in music, art, visual-spatial and/or visual-motor activities.
Helps us form mental images when we read and/or converse.
Responsible for intuitive and emotional responses.
Helps us to form and maintain relationships.

~~Enjoying my Vanilla Latte~~~ ^^

(pra driving test 2molo at 8am).....hihihhi~~~

The pasts which I treasure alot!

The pasts which I treasure alot!
I miss this choir group...